How a Financial Wellness Program Can Improve Company Culture

  • Bjork Group

Headline Image - How a Financial Wellness Program Can Improve Company Culture

Employers recognize that financial stress is taking a toll on their workforce — and their bottom line. Financial wellness can help improve employees’ fiscal well-being and reduce stress by providing the education and tools they need to help them


The Link Between Employee Productivity, Health, and Financial Stress

  • Bjork Group

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If you think financial wellness programs are a fad, think again. The industry consensus is that financial wellness not only produces results for employees, but it positively influences company bottom lines.


Four Ways to Help Reduce Financial Stress for Your Employees

  • Bjork Group

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Employee financial stress is a hot topic. So much so, that nearly 60% of employees cite finances as their primary stressor. [1] Their financial worries surpass other top stressors, and it’s impacting their job performance.


Q2 2020 News and Information for Employers: Financial Wellness

  • Bjork Group

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The link between stress and employee productivity is real. Experts estimate that it costs companies $500 billion or more per year due to “health costs, absenteeism and poor performance”. [1]


The CARES Act and its Impact on Retirement Plan

  • Bjork Group

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Coronavirus, COVID-19, CARES Act, these topics have without a doubt overtaken your media feeds and with a valid reason. However, in this time of turmoil, we wanted to take a moment to explain what some of this means in hopes of bringing you some calm.


3 DOL hot Buttons

  • Bjork Group

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DOL audits can be stressful, complicated and expensive! The best way to handle one is to avoid it in the first place. Through our experience, we’ve outlined three hot button issues that are major red flags for the DOL. Watch our short video for the tips and best practices to help manage risk.


Getting Your Ducks in a Row: Documents Adults Need

  • Bjork Group

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While we firmly believe life is meant to be lived, we also know that it’s important to have peace of mind in the event of an emergency.  Your employees might be in the dark about the most important documents they would need if something were to happen to them.
